「NUM NUANヌムヌアン」とは「柔軟」という意味のタイ語です。生地の柔らかさをイメージして、この名を付けました。また、ヌムヌアンという言葉は、人の心の優しさ、柔らかさを表す時にも使います。
NUM NUAN means "softness" in Thai. We gave this name to our brand in the image of the softness of textiles. The word, NUM NUAN is also used for expressing the kindness and gentleness of heart.
We make our products with the hope that our textile products add color to people's lifestyle and calm people's mind.
At Chiang Mai, a historic old capital of Thailand, our hand-made products are created carefully by skillful craftspeople based on what customers demand. Through hand-making by ourselves, we hope that our customers enjoy the warmth of hand-made products.
About Our Embroidery
1.刺繍図案をトレーシングペーパーに写します。 Making a embroidery design.
刺繍はミシンを使ったハンドメイドで製作しています。 Our embroidery is produced by sewing machines.
2.チャコペーパーで布に下絵を写します。 Tracing the embroidery pattern on the tracing paper.
3. ミシンで丁寧に刺繍していきます。 Stitching the pattern carefully by sewing machines.
4. できあがり! Completied!